Trip to The City in the sky “Chichibu”

Trip to The City in the sky “Chichibu”

2020年6月29日 0 By HOSHI

I have just been to this place this weekend. Actually I have known this place for its name for long time, coz in some TV shows some famous actors visited Chihibu and describing how good it is. 

First, please let me describe the main things you can enjoy.

1. The Best View of City in the Sky

2. Onsen

3. Traditional Shrines (Especially Mitsumine Shrine)

4. Anime movie

5. Local Wine/Sake/Fruits and Gastronomy

As I think, these are main things which you can enjoy of this city,. From Middle of Tokyo(Ikebukuro), it takes only 80 minutes in the fast direct train. After I finished my job at 19:00, i immidiately went to ikebukuro to take this train and enjoy Bento during the tranportation. When you arrive and the door open, you can feel the nature atmosphere of Chichibu. But there was a problem…… The hotel I booked was very far from the Seibu-Chichichibu Station, so that I needed to take Taxi to hotel, but there was really no Taxi found in the street and road. After I asked where to get taxi in Convenience store, they asked me to go to another Chichibu station, which locate about 15minutes walking from Seibu-Chihibu Station. It was already around 22:00.  The hote Name is 満天の星と雲海の宿.

So, finally i could find taxi and moved to the hotel. It was really really in the very high altitude. Approx 30 minutes driving from the station. After arriving to hotel, I immediately went to Onsen to get rid of my tiredness of the job…….. It was really Nice. When you move whole the way from Tokyo to Chichibu, taking almost 2 and half hours, and finally get into Onsen, Wow, it is so nice. ….      And i just slept after that since I was very tired and not much things to do since it is in the middle of mountain.

Well,,,, It is nice, But The most funny thing is that they write “THE BEST VIEW” in the view spot. hahaha… Easy to find the spot, thanks. According the hotel staff, in early morning around 4:00AM, the town area is covered by clouds, so that this hotel will look like the hotel in the sky.

Next, I went to Mitsumine shrine, it is a really huge shrine. It is located a bit far from the Station, but worth to go there taking bus for 40minutes. This is also located in the middle of mountain, or better to say almost top of mountain. so clean air. You can try traditional food for lunch , Imo Dengaku”Baked Potato with Miso”. It taste much more than just baked Potato in this beautiful air.

This Tri-i i gate is very unique. 3 Tri-i gate are connected. and 2 wolves waiitng for you in front of Tori-i gate. This is my first time to see wolf in Shrine

after coming back to the train station, I went for walking around the station. You can find really many things.  If you like Japanese culture, I promise you that you will love this place, coz the town is full of attraction. Such as anime” Anohana” “Kokosake” characters are in middle of street, Chichibu Wine(Chichibu is famous for Grape), Chichibu special Sake, Onsen all around the town.  And when you want to relax, there are nice modern cafe as well.